Swole Panda T-Rex Bamboo Socks
Don’t let its small hands fool you- these Toy Dinosaur T-Rex Socks are brimming with ferocity! This poor T-Rex bares the brunt of many jokes because of its small arms. However, while its strength may not lie in the upper proportions of its body; the T-Rex does display an intimidating strength of style. That’s why we featured them on these bamboo socks.
Featuring a reinforced heel and toe as well as hand linked seams for added comfort, no sock on the market comes close in terms of softness, fit and durability.
Our bamboo socks are not only incredible to wear, they have an array of benefits for the environment too. Bamboo requires no irrigation requiring 1/3 the amount of water to grow than is necessary for cotton, essential in a world where water is becoming more and more scarce.
Bamboo rarely if ever needs replanting. The miracle of bamboo is that it miraculously will sprout on its own and one acre of bamboo will yield 10 times more than one acre of cotton. Cotton needs harvesting and re-planting each year.
Bamboo has always been grown without pesticides where some non-organic cotton requires 1/3 pounds of fertiliser per pound and can be determined to use 25% of all chemical pesticides used globally on crops.
One Size (7-11)
£11.99 inc. VAT